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    Eiffel Tower Paris

    The Star of Paris

Eiffel Tower Paris

Eiffel Tower

One of the most visited attractions and the landmark of Paris is the 330-meter-high Eiffel Tower. Most visitors to Paris want to go up the Eiffel Tower - but how exactly does that work? For this reason, we have compiled the most important information for you here.

Eiffel Tower Paris - Information on admission price, tickets, opening hours, waiting time and other tips

The Eiffel Tower - a symbol not just of Paris, but of all France. With its majestic height of 330 meters, it towers above the city's rooftops, offering a breathtaking view of the metropolis on the Seine. As a masterpiece of engineering and a testament to the industrial revolution, this tower has fascinated millions of visitors from all over the world since its opening in 1889. A visit to Paris would be incomplete without spending a moment under or on this iconic landmark. Whether you're admiring the sparkling lights at night or exploring the impressive structure in daylight – the Eiffel Tower promises an unforgettable experience.

History of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

he idea to build the Eiffel Tower came about during the 1889 World Exhibition, which was held to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the French Revolution. The French engineer Gustave Eiffel, who had already been involved in other major construction projects, designed the tower and won the competition for its construction.

Construction of the Eiffel Tower began in 1887 and lasted just under two years. It was built from more than 18,000 iron parts that were assembled on site. Despite the impressive progress in the construction of the tower, it was initially controversial. Critics feared that it would spoil the beauty of the city and would not stand for long.

But after its completion in 1889, the Eiffel Tower became a great success and attracted millions of visitors. It also served as a platform for scientific experiments and as a location for broadcasting facilities.

During the First World War, the Eiffel Tower served as an observation post for the French army and during the Second World War it was occupied by the Germans. In the 1920s, the tower began to be renewed and modernized, and since its reopening, it has become one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world.

How do I get to the Eiffel Tower?

Most visitors to the Eiffel Tower take the metro close to the Eiffel Tower and walk the last few meters on foot. Unfortunately, there is no metro station right at the Eiffel Tower. But it is only about 400 meters from the nearby metro stations to the Tour Eiffel. If you want to get close to the Eiffel Tower, you can do so with bus lines 30 & 82, which stop in the immediate vicinity of the tower. Alternatively, you can also have a taxi company like Uber drive you directly from your location.


30px Metro M 30 m6 

30px Metro M 30 m6 30 m9


30px Paris logo bus jms 45 b30 45 b82
Tour Eiffel

  30px Paris logo bus jms 45 b42 45 b69 45 b82 45 b86
Champ de Mars - Suffren
  30 r 30 rc
Champ de Mars - Tour Eiffel

Book Uber to Eiffel Tower

1st floor, 2nd floor or all the way to the top? What tickets are available for the Eiffel Tower?

The Eiffel Tower offers its visitors several platforms that can be visited. In each ticket that can be purchased is the first (57 meters) and second (116 meters) floor included. If you want to go all the way to the top, or to the highest platform at 276 meters, you have to buy a special ticket. Various ticket options are available. In addition to ascending to the first two plazas via a staircase, an elevator can also be used. To get to the top, an additional elevator must always be used from the 2nd floor.

  • Stairs to 2nd floor
  • Stairs to 2nd floor & elevator to the top
  • Elevator to 2nd floor
  • Elevator to 2nd floor & elevator to top

Tickets for the elevator to the 2nd platform and the top of the Eiffel Tower can be purchased online (our recommendation) or directly on site. If you want to go up the stairs, you can buy this ticket on site or online beforehand. When you buy the ticket for the stair climb, you can also buy a ticket for the ride to the top from the 2nd platform at the same time. However, you must decide this already when buying the ticket, because unfortunately there is no longer the possibility on the 2nd platform to buy an elevator ride to the top.

What Are the Ticket Prices for the Eiffel Tower?

Every year, the tickets for the Eiffel Tower become a bit more expensive. The latest price adjustment was made on June 17, 2024. The following admission prices currently apply at the on-site ticket counters. Eiffel Tower tickets can be purchased at these prices at the Tour Eiffel ticket counters. Please note the sometimes very long queues on-site, which can last several hours.

Eiffel Tower Ticket Prices since June 17, 2024

Prices at On-Site Ticket CountersAdultsYouth
(12 - 24 years)
Children / Disabled(1)
(4 - 11 years)
(under 4 years)
Stairs to 2nd Floor €14.20 €7.10 €3.60 free
Stairs to 2nd Floor
+ Elevator to the Top
€26.90 €13.50 €6.80 free
Elevator to 2nd Floor €22.60 €11.30 €5.70 free
Elevator to 2nd Floor
+ Elevator to the Top
€35.30 €17.70 €8.90 free

(1) This admission price is granted for children between 4 and 11 years and for disabled persons upon presentation of a disability card.
(2) Free tickets must be obtained for children under 4 years. Their accompanying persons must purchase individual adult tickets. NOTE: The top of the Eiffel Tower and the stairs are not accessible to disabled persons.

Book Eiffel Tower Ticket Book Access via Stairs

What Are the Opening Hours of the Eiffel Tower?

The Eiffel Tower is open all year round, so it can be visited even on New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, or Christmas. Depending on the season, the opening hours vary slightly. Admission is granted from around 9:00 AM and extends until about midnight or a bit later.

Opening Hours Entrance - Elevator Stairs

July 15, 2024

2:00 PM - 11:45 PM
(Ticket counters open until 12:00 AM - Tower closes at 12:45 AM)
2:00 PM - 11:45 PM

July 16 - July 25, 2024

8:45 AM - 11:45 PM
(Ticket counters open until 12:00 AM - Tower closes at 12:45 AM)
9:00 AM - 11:45 PM

July 26, 2024

closed closed

July 27 - August 31, 2024

8:45 AM - 11:45 PM
(Ticket counters open until 12:00 AM - Tower closes at 12:45 AM)
9:00 AM - 11:45 PM
Rest of the Year 9:30 AM - 10:45 PM
(Ticket counters open until 11:00 PM - Tower closes at 11:45 PM)
9:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Annual maintenance & inspection

From January 8, 2024, to February 9, 2024, the annual maintenance and inspection of the Paris Eiffel Tower took place. Particularly, the third floor and the elevators from the 2nd to the 3rd floor were repaired and serviced during this period. During this time, only the first and second floors could be visited. The third level (summit) was completely closed.

What are the waiting times at the Eiffel Tower?

Every day, up to 20,000 people visit the Eiffel Tower, which can lead to very long waiting times at peak times. Especially if a ticket is to be purchased on site, the waiting time increases again significantly. Therefore, we recommend that you buy a ticket online before visiting the Eiffel Tower. Especially on weekends, holidays and in the vacation season, many people visit the Eiffel Tower. Waiting times of over an hour are the norm. On busy days, the waiting time can quickly increase to over 2 or 3 hours. On the one hand, the long waiting times occur at the entrance at the security check, as well as at the ticket counters and despite the large elevators also at these, since only a certain number of people can be transported at the same time. If you want to buy a ticket on the spot, you can expect up to 3 queues - the first at the security check (comparable to airports), the second at the ticket counters and the third at the elevators upstairs.

Those who want to avoid the very long waiting times should arrange their visit to the Eiffel Tower for the winter season or buy a ticket without waiting online. Owners of a ticket purchased before the visit have their own security check at the Eiffel Tower and can thus avoid the queues for visitors without a ticket at the security check and at the ticket offices.

Where can I buy tickets (online)?

Tickets can be purchased directly on site. But then you have to be prepared for sometimes very long waiting times (sometimes up to 5 hours) at the box office and at the entrance. Online tickets can be purchased directly on the website of the Eiffel Tower. Unfortunately, the website offers only a few tickets online and these are sold out very quickly or booked up for several weeks in advance. If you want to buy a "ticket without waiting", you can always book them online through our partners. These tickets are more expensive than the regular tickets but can be bought at short notice and have a guided tour and a guide included in the price. In addition, you save a lot of waiting time at the box office and the elevators. because groups enjoy priority.

Tickets through the official website and our partners are valid for the selected day and time. For those who want to plan their visit to the Eiffel Tower in advance, the purchase of an online ticket is the right choice. The same goes for those who want to avoid the long waits at the ticket offices of the Eiffel Tower.

Please note that the opening hours can change at any time due to the Covid 19 pandemic. If you buy a ticket online and the Eiffel Tower is closed on the day of your visit, you will get your money back from the ticket provider. You are therefore on the safe side, even if the visit should not be possible due to the pandemic.

Book Tickets online Book: Eiffel Tower on the Top + Guide

Are there guided tours of the Eiffel Tower?

If you want to learn more about the Eiffel Tower, you can book one of the various tours. In addition to the great view from the Eiffel Tower, so one is conveyed even more information. There are various guided tours to choose from depending on the provider.

  • "Behind the scenes of the Eiffel Tower".

  • "Eiffel Tower and Love Story"

  • Private tours

Tickets purchased online for the Eiffel Tower usually already include guided tours with a guide. For this reason, these tickets are also more expensive than the pure entrance tickets to the Eiffel Tower, which you can buy on site.

Can I take animals up the Eiffel Tower?

A very clear "no". Unless it is a guide dog or a comparable necessary animal. All other animals of visitors are not allowed to enter.

How long can I stay on the Eiffel Tower?

There are no restrictions on the duration of the visit. So you can stay as long as you want on the Eiffel Tower during opening hours. On average, most visitors visit the tower between 2 - 3 hours.

When does the Eiffel Tower glow / glitter?

Every day after dark until 1 am, the Eiffel Tower is illuminated by 20,000 lights. You can enjoy this spectacle every day, always on the hour, for 5 minutes.

Why is the Eiffel Tower now 330 meters high?

On March 15, 2022, a new longer radio antenna was placed at the top of the Eiffel Tower by hoist recorder. Instead of the 324 meters height, the Eiffel Tower now has a new official height of 330 meters.

How high are the individual floors of the Eiffel Tower in Paris?

The first level / viewing platform is at a height of 57 meters, which you can reach either on foot via a staircase or by elevator. Also on these ways you can reach the second level at 116 meters. If you want to go to the top third level (Top Floor) at 276 meters, you can only reach it by taking the elevator.

How many people can be on the Eiffel Tower at the same time?

The maximum simultaneous visitor capacity has been set at 5,000 visitors, who are distributed across the individual floors. Approximately 3,000 people are allowed on the first floor at the same time. The second floor can be occupied by about 1,600 people, and at the third floor, at the top of the Eiffel Tower, around 400 visitors are allowed to be present simultaneously. Even if there are more than 5,000 people at times, you don't need to worry, the Eiffel Tower can accommodate significantly more simultaneous visitors. These values have been set so that at least every visitor can move freely, although it can get a bit tighter in some places.

What awaits you on and around the Eiffel Tower

As you can see on the pictures among others, you can enjoy a breathtaking view over Paris from the Eiffel Tower. On each floor you will find additional boards with information about the Eiffel Tower or what you can see in the distance. The city of love lies wonderfully at your feet. Please note that on the third floor (top) it is always windy - adjust your clothing accordingly. At night, the Eiffel Tower shines with thousands of lights. Always on the hour, the tower becomes a lightshow for 5 minutes.

Around the Eiffel Tower you can also walk in the large park and soak up Paris. Opposite the Eiffel Tower, on the other side of the Seine, you can see the Eiffel Tower in its full glory best from the Trocadero.